August 25, 2023

The Brilliance of Generative AI Is Tied to the Human Intellect Guiding It

— Author: Jessica Hanan

Generative AI stands out not merely as an innovative achievement but as a catalyst for productivity. This advanced AI form is transforming how businesses operate, opening doors for enhanced efficiency and creativity. With the mere input of a textual prompt, generative AI can conceive everything from intricate marketing strategies to visionary design blueprints, proving its versatility across diverse sectors.

With the rise of AI, employees and professionals, while acknowledging the remarkable capabilities of AI, there is a growing fear of AI replacing jobs. However, while generative AI can manifest wonders, the brilliance of its output is profoundly tied to the human intellect guiding it. This mutual dependency between human expertise and AI mechanisms highlights an emerging narrative: the future isn't about one overshadowing the other but a harmonious collaboration to unlock unprecedented potential.

As the dynamics of the modern workplace evolve, adaptability and continuous learning have become its cornerstones. Upskilling falls not just on the employers but the employees as well. Companies and educational institutions are expected to pave the way, offering comprehensive learning platforms and resources to demystify the intricacies of AI. Conversely, professionals must seize these opportunities, striving for mastery and nurturing a culture of perpetual learning.

Around the world, employers, and educational institutions are now rushing to position themselves and their workers, and students for a new world of work.

IBM Chairman, and CEO Arvind Krishna recently told CNBC that he expected generative AI and large language models "to make every employee, and enterprise process more productive".

During the Future Talent Summit in Stockholm on June 14-15 2023, 8 out of 10 university leaders agreed that redesigning tests – expecting students to leverage language models in their studies, and rather accolade AI literacy – was the best way forward (rather than aiming to limit access to technology).

In a survey of 6,000 university students in Sweden – the first large-scale study in Europe to investigate students' attitudes towards artificial intelligence in higher education – 35% said they were using ChatGPT regularly.

Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University responded: Universities are about to go through seismic change, and universities have never been more necessary. How do we raise the cognitive bar in field after field, teaching students how to use their new algorithmic power and how to access the output?

A recent survey by Visier, including participants from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Germany highlighted that a staggering 86% of respondents feel businesses should play a part in AI reskilling initiatives. The urgency is further echoed by the Greenhouse study, which reveals 84% of HR professionals calling for heightened AI-centric education and training. Meanwhile, TalentLMS's research warns of a looming skills gap, a byproduct of the AI evolution.

Such findings paint a clear picture: the advent of AI, especially generative AI, is a double-edged sword. While it heralds boundless possibilities, it simultaneously underscores the imperativeness of human adaptability and growth. To truly harness the benefits of this AI era, a combined effort from organizations and individuals alike is essential, ensuring that human expertise doesn't just remain relevant but becomes the linchpin in an AI-enhanced future.

Jessica Hanan is Altruistic's AI Innovation Strategist, and co-founder of Prompt Pilot - a platform enabling millions of global citizens to rapidly advance their prompting skills and join the AI workforce.

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